n. vassal,subject (paying tribute),tributaryking诸侯,(纳贡的)臣下,附庸国王。
△Ham. 5. 2. 39: “AsEngland was his faithful tributary,”因为英国是他忠心的藩属。
a. paying tribute,paid as tribute进贡的,作为贡品付出的。
△ Rom. 3. 2. 103: “Your tributary dropsbelong to woe,/ Which you,mistaking. offer up tojoy.” (Tears are a tribute which should be paid towoe,but she is making a mistake in shedding themwhen Romeo is alive,since this is a reason for joy.)你那滴滴泪珠应该作为贡品献给悲哀,可是你却错把它们献给了喜悦。