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单词 trial


1. examination,probation审查,检验。
△H.VIII.5.3.52(5.2.87):“’Tis his Highness’ pleasure / And our con-sent,for better trial of you,/ From hence you becommitted to the Tower,”这是国王陛下的谕旨,也经过我们同意,为了更好地对你审查,从现在起要把你押解到伦敦塔去。
2. testing,test试验,考验。
△Ham.5.2.201 (193):“anddo but blow them to their trial,”i.e. put them to thetest by as much as blowing on them. 可是只要拿他们来试一试,吹他们一下。
△Mer.4.1.165: “whose trial”,对他的实际考验(使唤).
3. combat to decide a cause,decisive battle决斗,决战。
△Ado. 5. 1.66: “trial of a man.”i.e. personal com-bat个人之间的决斗。
△1H.IV.4. 4.20:“an instant trialwith the king.” 与国王的立即决战。
△1H.IV.5. 1. 83:“In both our armies there is many a soul/ Shall payfull dearly for this encounter,/ If once they join intrial.”这次较量一旦开始,我们双方军队里一定要有不少人在交战中付出极其重大的代价。
4. adversity逆境,苦难。
△Mid. 1. 1. 152:“Then let usteach our trial patience,” i. e. let us discipline our-selves to meet this adversity patiently. 那就让我们学会忍耐苦难吧。
5. judicial examination审判。
△2H.VI. 3. 3. 8:“Bringme unto my trial when you will.”你们愿意的时候,就带我去受审判吧。


◇ in trial 在试验中
go on trial 接受审判
in trial 在审判中
on trial 在审判中,审判,在测试中
put sb. on trial 指控并受审
stand trial for 因…审判
‖ during a trial 审判过程中
independence of trial and decision 审判独立
new trial 再审
open trial 公开审判
procedure for trial supervision 审判监督程序
trial and error 不断探索
trial and error method 尝试错误法
trial and error procedure 尝试法,试算法
trial appointment 试任职位,试任
trial at bar 会审
trial at nisi prius 有陪审员参加的民事案件的审讯
trial balance 试算表
trial bar 试任关限
trial basis 试行
trial by inspection or examination 纠问式审判
trial by newspaper舆论审判
trial counsel 军事检察官
trial cruise 试航
trial fire 试射
trial fire indicator试射显示器
trial flight 试飞,试航
trial ground 试验场
trial horse 练习对手
trial installation 试验设备
trial jury 审理陪审团
trial lawyer 出庭辩护的律师
trial marriage试婚
trial match 预赛
trial manufacture 试产
trial model 试验模型
trial of cases 审判案件
trial on indictment 刑事审判 trial order试订货
trial organization 审判组织
trial period 试任期
trial procedure 审判程序
trial race 试航
trial range 试验靶场
trial run 初步测试,试车(航)/trial sale 试销
trial shot 试射弹
trial shot point 试射点
trial shot practice 试射
trial solution 初步解决法
trial trip试航,审讯
trial voyage 试航
trial without pleadings 无需辩论的审判
trialism n.验证主义





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