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单词 trespass


1. offence过错,冒犯。
△Lr.2.4.44: “Your son anddaughter found this trespass worth / The shame whichhere it suffers.”你的女婿和女儿就认为我这点过错该当受这种羞辱。
△Ham.3.4.146:“That not your trespass butmy madness speaks;” (认为)你没有错,只是我说疯话。
△Oth.3.3.64: “And yet,his trespass,in our com-mon reason/ (Save that they say the wars must makeexample/Out of her best),is not almost a fault/T’incur a private check.”况且,他的罪过,以常情而论,(除非,据说,在战争中有必要挑出最好的军人严惩来树立军威),几乎不算什么过错,根本不必受到私下申斥。
△Oth.4.2.152:“If e’ermy will did trespass ’gainst his love,”假如我曾经有意辜负他对我的爱情。
△1H.IV.5.2.16:“My nephew’s tres-pass may be well forgot,/It hath the excuse of youthand heat of blood,”我侄子的过错可能会被人完全忘掉,因为可以解释为年轻人血气方刚。
2. transgression,crime,sin犯法,罪行,罪恶。
△Rom.1.5.113(109): “O trespass sweetly urged!”i.e. she issweetly urging him to commit another sin,i.e. to kissagain. 啊,这样鼓励我犯罪的办法真妙!
△H.V.2.4.123:“He’ll call you to so hot an answer of it/ That cavesand womby vaultages of France/ Shall chide yourtrespass and return your mock / In second accent of his ordinance.”他就要大发雷霆、向你追究责任,到那时法兰西的所有洞窟和空穴都要用他的大炮的回响来谴责你的罪过并且回答你的嘲讽。
△1H.VI. 2.4.94: “His trespass yet livesguilty in thy blood,” 他的罪还遗留在你的血液里。
△ 2H.VI.3.1.131:“Murder indeed,that bloody sin,I tortured/Above the felon or what trespass else.”特别是对于杀人这种血淋淋的罪恶,我一定使用酷刑,重于抢劫罪或其他罪行。
trespass made: sin committed犯下的罪恶。
△3H.VI.5.1.92: “I am so sorry for my trespass made / That,to deserve well at my brother’s hands,/ I here pro-claim myself thy mortal foe;”我为我过去所犯下的罪行十分难过,现在为了使自己值得我兄长的信任,我在这里宣布我是你的死敌。


v.& n.非法进入,侵占,侵犯,过失,罪过,侵入
◇ trespass against 违犯,冒犯
trespass on 侵犯,非法侵入
‖ trespass ab initio 从开始就是侵权行为
trespass by relation 关系占有权的侵权行为
trespasser n.侵犯(他人土地)者
trespassory taking 非法占有,盗窃





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