释义 |
trenchern. wooden dish or plate木盘。 △Shr.4.1.168(165):“There,take it to you,trenchers,cups,andall.”盘子,杯子,都一起还给你们吧! △Gent.4.4.9 (8):“but he steps me to her trencher and steals her capon’sleg.”它就扑了过去,从木盘上偷走了女主人的一条阉鸡腿 △Rom.1.5.1: “Where’s Potpan,that he helps nottake away? He shift a trencher? He scrape a trench-er?” i.e. You will never find him removing and clean-ing dirty dishes. 卜得潘到哪里去了,他怎么不来帮忙把这些盘碗拿下去? 他收拾过一个盘子吗? 他擦洗过一个盘子吗? △2H.VI.4.1.57: “Fed from my trencher,kneeleddown at the board,”跪在餐桌旁,吃我木盘里的剩菜。 |