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单词 transport


1. bear,carry 带,传送。
△Or.4.5.19: “Mightnot you/ Transport her purposes by word?”你不能用口头把她的意思传达一下吗?
△Mac.4.3. 181: “When Icame hither to transport the tidings,”当我来到此地传送这个消息的时候。
2. bear or carry from one place to another 运送。
△1H.VI.5.1.39:“Which by my Lord of Winchesterwe mean/Shall be transported presently to France.”这份文件,我打算让温彻斯特大人立即送到法国。
3. remove转移。
△H.V.2.Cho. 34:“The King is setfrom London; and the scene/ Is now transported,gentles,to Southampton;”国王也从伦敦出发了;诸位观众,场景现在已经转移到了骚桑普顿。
4. carry away by violent passion,carry by ecstasy,de-light (强烈激情)使失去自制力,使欣喜若狂,使高兴。
△Mac.1.5.57 (56): “Thy letters have transportedme beyond/This ignorant present,”你的来信已经使我高兴得飞越了茫然无知的现在。
△Lr. 1. 4. 244 (221):“whichof late transport you/From what you rightly are.”它们近来使你忘乎所以,离开了你的正道。(按: transport一词又作transform = change the appearance of,metamorphose,“使改变面貌”,“使变形”。)
5.❶carry away拐走。
❷translate,i.e. transform使…变形。
△Mid.4.2.3: “Out of doubt he is transpor-ted.”他准是给妖精拐走了。(又译:他准是被变驴变马变掉了。)


v.运送 n.运输
◇ in transports of sth.情不自禁
‖ Convicts of Transportation 罪犯流放制度
Ministry of Transport 运输部
public transport公共交通
through documents of transport 联运单据
transport agreement 运输协定
transport aircraft 运输机
transport apron 运输机停机坪
transport by air 空运
transport by sea 海运
transport capacity 运输能力
transport charges 运输费
transport command运输指挥部
transport company 货运公司
transport contract 运输合同
Transport Controller 运输监督
transport costs 运输费用
transport cost audit(企业)运输成本审计
transport documents 运输单据
transport expenditure 运输支出
transport facility 交通运输工具
transport functional constituency 航运交通界功能界别
transport goods for sale贩运
transport income audit(企业)运输收入审计
Transport Inspector 运输督察
transport missile 运输导弹
transport network 运输网
transport of money 现金运送,运费
Transport Officer 运输主任
transport officer运输军官
transport pool 政府车队
transport rocket 运输火箭
Transport Services Officer 政府车辆事务主任
transport service运输勤务
transport squadron 运输机中队
transport subsector 航运交通界界别分组
transportable adj.可运输的,可移动的 n.便携式
transportable casualties 可运送的伤员
transportable earth station 移动式地面站
transportable long range search radar 移动式远程搜索雷达
transportable medium range ballistic missile 移动式中程单导弹
transportable radar 移动式雷达
transportation n.运输,交通
transportation battalion 运输营
transportation business 运输业
transportation corporation 运输公司
transportation corps 运输兵
transportation corps units 运输部队
transportation cost 运输成本
transportation cost audit 运输成本审计
transportation documents 货运单证
transportation earnings audit(企业)运输收入审计
transportation group 运输大队
transportation industry 交通运输业
transportation insurance 运输保险
transportation junction 运输枢纽
transportation network 运输网
transportation permit 转运许可证
transportation revenue 运输收入
transportation route 运输路线
transportation sector loan 运输部门贷款
transportation statistics 运输统计
transportation subsidies 交通补助费
transportation surcharges on passengers 客运附加费
transportation troops 运输部队
transportation zone 运输区
transporter n.输送人,运输机





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