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单词 transform


‖ transform administrative fees into taxes 费改税
transform data 变换数据
transform into each other 互相转化
transform one’s related credentials 转关系
transform the enterprises’management mechanisms of state-owned enterprises 转换国有企业经营机制
transform the extensive economic mode into an intensive one 粗放型经济转变为集约型经济 transform the functions 转换机制
transform the resource-based economies of certain cities 做好资源型城市经济转型
transform the government functions 政府职能转变
transforming agent 转化因素
transforming state-owned enterprises’ management mechanisms 转换国有企业管理机制
transforming the old dilapidated houses 危旧房改造
transformable adj.可变形的,可变化的,转换式
transformation n.转化,转账
perspective transformation 透视变换
transformation by reciprocal direction 逆向变换
transformation equation 变换方程
transformation marker 转化标记
transformation of enterprise 企业转制
transformation of functions 职能转换
transformation of nature sketch 写生变形
transformation of personality 人格变换
transformation of tax transit 税收的销转
transformation of taxation 税收的转化
transformation principle 转化因素
transformation relation 变换关系
transformation rule转换规则
transformation stage 转化阶段
transformation theory 变换论
transformational adj. 转换的,转换生成的
transformational criterion 变换准则
transformational generative grammar 转换生成语法
transformarional grammar 转换语法
transformational method 转换关系
transformational relation 转换关系
transformationalism n.转换主义,转换论
transformative adj. transformative potential 转型潜力
transformative skills 创造技术
transformer n. 变压器
transformism n.进化论,转换论,变形论
transformist n.物种变化论者,进化论者,转换论者,变形论者





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