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单词 touch


1.subtle or delicate feeling; sensibility,emotion微妙的感情;敏感,感情。
△Gent. 2. 7. 18: “Didst thou butknow the inly touch of love,”要是你能了解恋爱在心里的滋味。
△Mac. 4. 2. 8:“He loves us not,/ He wants thenatural touch,” i.e. He lacks the natural feelings ofhumanity. 他不爱我们,他没有人的天然感情。
2. trait,feature,characteristic,strain特点,特色,特性,脾气。
△As. 3. 2. 161 (152):“To have the touches dea-rest prized.”才具有这最可宝贵的种种特点。
△As. 5. 4.27:“Some lively touches of my daughter’s favour.”我女儿相貌中的一些活生生的特征。
△Tw. 2. 1.12: “But Iperceive in you so excellent a touch of modesty.” 可是我看出你的性情是非常谦逊的。
3. touchstone,test试金石,考验。
bide the touch: undergo the test of the touchstone.withstand the test (as gold is tested by the touchstone)经受试金石的考验,承受考验。
△1H.IV. 4. 4. 8:“Tomor-row,good Sir Michael,is a day / Wherein the fortuneof ten thousand men / Must bide the touch;”明天,好迈克尔牧师,是上万人的命运将要经受考验的日子。
play the touch: play the part of a touchstone (whichwas used for testing the quality of gold)扮演试金石的角色。
△R.III.4. 2. 8:“Ah,Buckingham,now do I playthe touch/ To try if thou be current gold indeed.”啊,白金汉,现在我要扮演试金石的角色,测试一下你是不是真正的金币。
4. exploit,feat辉煌成就,功绩。
brave touch: noble exploit英勇行为。
△Mid. 3. 2. 70:“O brave touch! / Could not a worm,an adder. do somuch?”啊,好英勇的行为! 一条蛇,一条毒蛇,不也能这么干吗?5. fingering or playing a musical instrument (对乐器的)弹弄,弹奏。
△Ham. 3. 2. 378 (355): “I know no touch of it. my lord.”我没有摸过这东西,殿下。
6. the fingering of a musical instrument,i.e. musicalnote对乐器的弹弄,(转义)曲调。
△Mer. 5. 1. 57: “thetouches of sweet harmony.”和谐的乐曲。
7. stroke一击,一招。
△L.L.L.5.1. 63 (59): “a sweettouch,”巧妙的一击。
8. inkling. hint暗示,提示。
△H.VIII.5. 1. 11:“And ifthere be / No great offence belongs to ’t,give yourfriend / Some touch of your late business.”如果这么说不算失礼的话,请让你的朋友(我)稍稍知道一下你这么晚出来办的事情。
9. small quantity,slight amount,smack,trace少量,点点,少许。
△H. V. 4. Cho. 45: “that mean andgentle all / Behold. as may unworthiness define,/ Alittle touch of Harry in the night.”对于这一切,只有凭在下这枝秃笔、我们这些蹩脚戏子来表现了,以便让诸位不分尊卑贵贱都可以对于亨利王在这一夜的活动领略一斑。
△R.III.4. 4158:“Madam,I have a touch of your condition,”老夫人,我也有一点儿你的脾气。
△R.III.1.2.71:“No beast sofierce but knows some touch of pity.” i.e. No beast isso savage that it has not a smack of pity. 再凶恶的畜牲也总会有 点点怜悯之心。
10. reproach,sullying,taint耻辱,污辱,污点。
△H. VIII.2. 4. 151 (154): “spake one the least word that might /Be to the prejudice of her present state,/ Or touch ofher good person?”可说过一言半语有损于她目前的地位,或者有辱于她贤良的人品?


1. touch upon in speakin g,mention in passing,hit(说话中)涉及,顺便提到,说中。
△R. III.2. 4. 24: “I couldhave given my uncle’s Grace a flout / To touch his growth nearer than he touched mine.”我一定能把我的叔父殿下也嘲弄一番,把他怎么长大说得比他说我还要更厉害呢
△R.III. 3.5.92 (93): “Yet touch this sparingly,as’twere far off,” 但是对这一点不宜多谈,只可隐约其词。
△R.III.3. 7. 4: “Touched you the bastardy of Edward’s children?”你提到爱德华的孩子们是私生子了吗?
2. concern,relate to,affect closely涉及,与…有关,密切影响。
△Oth. 4. 1. 208 (198):“for if it touch not you, it comes near nobody.”因为如果这件事与你无关的话,它更碍不着别人什么事。
△Lr. 5.1.24: “For this business,/ It touches us as France invades our land,” 至于这件事,对于我们关系重大,因为法兰西侵犯了我们的国土。
△Shr.1.1.116 (115): “it toucheth us both,”这关系着我们两个人的利益。
△1H.VI.3.1.58:“Yes.when his holy state is touched so near.”i.e. so closely concerned. 对了,那是因为与他的神圣地位密切相关呀。
△1H.VI.4. 1. 118: “The quarrel toucheth none but us alone,/Betwixt ourselves let us decide it then.”这场争执只与我们两人有关系,那么就让我们两人自己解决吧。
△R.III.1.3.262 (261):“Ittouches you,my much as me.”大人,这不但涉及我,也涉及你。
△R.III.2.3.25: “For emulation whoshall now be nearest / Will touch us all too near,ifGod prevent not.”因为,如果上帝不加以阻止的话,派系间关于谁血缘关系最近的争执对我们大家的影响可就太密切了。
△R.III.3.2. 23: “Where nothing can proceed thattoucheth us / Whereof I shall not have intelligence.”在那个会上凡是谈到有关我们的事,我都会得到消息。
3. move,rouse,excite感动,使振奋,使激动。
△Lr.2.4. 279 (276):“touch me with noble anger,”用高贵的愤怒点燃我。
4. attain,reach 到达,达到。
△Mid.2.2.119: “Andtouching now the point of human skill.”现在(我的理性)发展到智慧的顶点了。
5. test (as with a touchstone),make trial of(像用试金石似的)测验,试验。
△Oth.3.3.80:“Nay,when I have a suit/ Wherein I mean to touch your love indeed,”哼,我要是真有心测验你的爱情而对你有什么请求的话。
6. hurt,injure,wound损伤,损害,伤害。
△Mac.3.2.24:“nor steel,nor poison,/ Malice domestic,foreign levy,nothing/ Can touch him further.”钢刀,毒药,内忧,外患,都不能再伤害他。
△Mac.4.3.14:“He hath nottouched you yet.”他倒是还没有加害于你。
7. lay hands on.punish对…下手,惩罚。
△Lr.4.6. 84(83): “No,they cannot touch me for coining. I am the King himself.”不,他们不能动我,说我伪造货币,我自己就是国王。
8. taint. infect. sully使沾染,侵染,玷污。
△As.3.2. 370(347): “and I thank God I am not a woman,to betouched with so many giddy offences as he hath gen-erally taxed their whole sex withal.”我感谢上帝我不是一个女人,不曾侵染他所普遍攻击全体女性所具有的那许多轻浮的恶习。
9. come near接近。
touch near: affect closely,touch to the quick of密切触动,触及痛处。
△Oth.2. 3. 222 (220):“Touch me notso near;” i.e. Do not appeal in something so dear(i.e. his reputation as a soldier) to me. 不要这样逼我(拿军人的名誉逼我说话)。
△R.III.1.1. 111:“Meantime,this deep disgracein brotherhood/ Touches me deeper than you canimagine.”i.e.❶distresses me more deeply than youcan imagine;
❷concerns me more deeply (in my per-sonal ambition) than you can imagine. 同时,这种兄弟关系中的奇耻大辱使我感到的苦恼(双关:与我关系之密切)也非你所能想像。




n.触,触觉,接触,联系,笔触,格调,特征 v.接触,触摸,触及
◇ be touched with 通晓,熟悉
get in touch with与…保持联系
out of touch with 与…失去联系
to the touch 摸起来
touch a nerve 触到伤心处
touch a string 触动心弦
touch at 短暂停靠,靠岸
touch bottom 达到最低点,查核事实
touch down 降落,挽救
touch off 开炮,触发,提到,出发,激起,引起
touch on (upon)提及,简略地讨论
touch sb. for 劝某人出… touch sb. on the raw 触到某人的痛处
touch sb. to the quick 触及要害
touch the ark 亵渎圣物
touch the spot 切合需要
touch up 润色
‖ decorative touch 装饰格调
delicate touch 生花妙笔
hand touch 手感
master touch 妙笔
touch ahead 微速前进
touch and go 连续起飞,一触即发的形势
touch back 守门队员持球触地
touch ball 擦边球
touch base 触垒
touch board 球门装置
touch down 底线得分,球触地
touchdown area 着陆区域
touchdown attitude 接地姿态
touchdown control接地控制
touchdown pad 着陆场
touchdown running 带球越过对方球门线
touchdown zone 着陆地区
touch feedback 接触反馈
touch flag 边线旗
touch in goal 得分区
touch in goal line 得分区线
touch in prone position 在俯卧时触地
touch judge 边线裁判员,巡边员
touch kick 踢向边线
touch line边线
touch net 触网
touch out 触杀
touch record 刺中纪录
touch response keyboard 手触感应键盘
touch sensitive keyboard 灵敏触感键盘
touch the body 球触及身体
touch the end of pool 触池壁
touch the ground with the knee 膝触地
touch the net 触网
touch the turn 转身动作
touch umpire 触壁检查员
touch under water 水中触底
vivid touch 传神之笔
touching apparatus 碰器械
touching over the zone 越区
touching the court 擦边
touching the finishing line 终点触线
touching the toes 手触脚动作
touching the wall 触池壁,达到,涉及,感动
touchdown n.触地,着地
touches n.特技
touchless adj.无触觉的
touch-minded adj. 讲究实际的,顽强的
touch-mindedness n.讲究实际,意志坚强
touchy adj.暴躁的,难以处理的,触动





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