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to sign of infinitive. 1. as to以至于要…。 △L. L. L. 4. 3. 72 (70):“what fool is not so wise / To lose an oath to win a paradise?”哪个傻瓜会蠢到那样:不肯放弃一句誓言去换取一个天堂? △Shr3. 1. 81 (80):“I am not so nice / To change true rulesfor odd inventions.”我可不是那样任性好变的人,把良好的规矩变成希奇古怪的花样。 △As. 1. 2. 67 (64):“mistake menot so much /To think my poverty is treacherous.”别这样看错了我,以至于把我的穷困当做奸诈。 △As. 2. 3. 7:“so fond to overcome / The bonny priser of the hu-morous Duke?”这么傻,竟至于要去打败那乖僻任性的公爵手下那个大个子拳师。 △Rom. 2. 3. 91:“For this alliancemay so happy prove / To turn your household’s ran-cour to pure love.”因为你们的结合可能成为一段美满良缘,使你们两个仇家从此尽弃前嫌。 △Mac. 3. 1. 88 (87):“Areyou so gospellcd,/ To pray for this good man,andfor his issue,”(Macbeth sarcastically asks the murder-ers whether they are so filled with the spirit of love,as taught by the gospels,that they are even willing to pray for the “good” man who has ruined them.)难道你们竟这样听从福音的教言,要为这个好人和他的子孙祈福吗? 2. in order to为要… △Rom. 2. 2. 172:“I shall forget, to have thee still stand there,”为了使你永久站在那里,我将永远想不起。 △1H. IV. 1. 2. 238 (216):“I’ll so offend, to make offence a skill,”我要明知故犯,为的是把犯错当做一条妙计。 3. sufficient to足以… △Oth. 3. 3.183: “ ’Tis not to make me jealous / To say my wife is fair. feeds well. loves company,/ Is free of speech,sings,plays,and dances;”要说我的妻子长得漂亮,讲究吃,好交游,谈吐大方,弹唱跳舞,无所不会,并不足以使我嫉妒。 Phrases: to come: in the future将来的,今后的。 △Tw. 5. 1. 368(356): “And let no quarrel nor no brawl to come Taint the condition of this present hour,”不要让争吵和口角玷污了当前这个令我惊异不已的吉日良辰的欢快情境。 to do: ❶to be done就要进行。 △As. 1. 2. 122 (115):“the best is yet to do,”最精彩的部分还不曾开始。 ❷ado, fuss,turmoil,disturbance费事,麻烦,纷扰,不安。 △ Oth.3. 3. 73:“to have so much to do / To bring him in!”叫他回来复职竟然如此麻烦! △ Rom. 1. 1. 180 (175):“Here’s much to do with hate,but more with love.”(Romeo refers to the fray and to his own condition.The hate refers to the fight between the Montaguesand Capulets; the love to Romeo’s passion for Rosa-line.)这场纷扰与仇恨有关,但更大的纷扰却是与爱情有关。 △ Ham. 2. 2. 377 (352): “Faith,there has been muchto do on both sides,”真的,双方闹过不少的纠纷。 to learn: yet to be told,still to find out还要知道一下。 △ Mer. 1. 1. 5: “I am to learn:”i. e. I don’t know 我还不知道。 to love you: for loving you 为了爱你。 △As. 5. 2. 110(103): “If this be so,why blame you me to love you?”如果真是这样,你为什么因为我爱你而责怪我? to pay: something to pay,money需要支付的代价,钱。 △As. 2. 4. 94 (93):“And you shalt have to pay for it of us. ” i. e. you shall have the money to pay for it from us. 我们可以替你出钱。 to say: supposing假定,如果。 △Ham. 3. 1. 61 (60):“and by a sleep to say we end / The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks / That flesh is heir to;”如果合眼一睡,我们就能了结了血肉之躯生来就要承受的心头的苦痛和其他万千惊扰。