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testamentn. written will遗嘱。 △As. 1. 1. 79 (73):“the poor allottery my father left me by testament,”父亲在遗嘱里留给我的那一小部分财产。 △ As. 2. 1. 47:“thou mak’st a testament / As worldlings do,givingthy sum of more / To that which had too much.”你像世俗的人一般立下遗嘱,把你的多出的财产送给那已经有得太多的人。 △H. V.1.1. 9: “all the temporal lands,whichmen devout / By testament have given to theChurch,”虔诚的教徒通过遗嘱捐献给教会的全部世俗田产。 △H. V. 4. 6. 26: “with blood he sealed / A testamentof noble-ending love. ”他用鲜血签订了一项充满了高贵结束之爱的遗嘱。 △1H.vi. 1. 5. 17:“Help Salisbury to makehis testament.”去帮助骚兹伯利写写他的遗嘱吧。 |