teamn. horses drawing the same carriage (驾在一辆车上的)一组马。 heavenly-harnessed team: horses who draw the chariot of Phoebus,the sun-god; the horse-drawn chariotof the sun-god为太阳神拉车的马;太阳神的马车。 △1H.IV3.1.220 (217):“As is the difference betwixt day andnight/ The hour before the heavenly-harnessedteam/Begins his golden progress in the east.”正像太阳神的马车还没有从东方开始他那金色的出巡之前白昼与黑夜浑然不分的时辰一样。 team[ti:m]n.(小)队,组 ◇team up with 和…协作 team up with sb.和…协作 ‖ core team 核心团队 team all-around competition 全能团体赛 team average 队平均分 team bench 运动员席 team building 团队建设 team captain 队长 team champion 团体冠军 team chief (leader)小队长 team common gate 共同通过的水门 team competition with twelve events 十二项团体赛 team competition 团体赛 team condition 队的竞技状态 team cycling race 团体自行车赛 team defence 全队防守 team doctor 队医 team economic accounting 班组经济核算 team effort 集体努力 team equity 小组公平 team event 团体赛,团体项目 team flag 队旗 team follower 随队人员 team formation 布阵,队形 team game 成队比赛的运动项目 team handball 七人队际手球赛 team last 后攻队 team leader 领队 team manager 队长 team match 团体赛 team member 队员 team of athletes in training 集训队 team offence 全队进攻 team official 领队 team pennant 队旗 team player 善于与同伴配合的队员 team play 全队配合 team points 团体分 team pursuit race 团体追逐赛,团体公路赛 team race 团体赛(跑)/team research 集体研究 team results 团体成绩 team round 团体赛 team score 团体总分 team second 后攻队 team selling 团队销售 team spirit 团队精神 team sport 团体项目 team study 分组研究,小组研究 team tactics 全队战术 team teaching 分组教学(制)/team training 分组训练,小队 team trophy 集体奖品 team up 合作,协作 team work 集体配合,团队工作,协同工作 teammate n. 队友 team-oriented defence 注重集体的防守 teams and groups班组 |