teachvt. 1.tell告诉。 △H. VIII. 2. 4. 155 (158):“You are not to be taught / That you have many enemies,”不必说你也知道,你有许多仇敌。 2. show向…显示,给…看。 △1H.IV. 4. 3. 44:“teachinghis duteous land / Audacious cruelty.”让他那忠顺的国土看一看胆大妄为的暴行。 3. tell,show how 告诉,指示怎样。 △Lr. 5. 3. 188 (187):“taught me to shift / Into a madman’s rags,”指示我怎样换上一身疯子的破烂衣裳。 teach[ti:tʃ]v.讲授,教授,教学 ◇ teach by correspondence 函授 teach by demonstration 进行示范教学 teach sb. a lesson给…一顿教训 ‖ taught course 讲授课程 teach and learn from each other 互教互学 teach its promulgation they shall been forced to the letter 言传身教 teach school 教书 teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教 teaching ability 教学能力 teaching aid studying subjected in physical education 体育教学主体 teaching aid 教具 teaching and administrative staff 教工 teaching and learning process 教与学过程 teaching and research group 教研组 Teaching and Research Section 教研室 teaching assistant 助教 teaching auxiliary 教学辅助人员 teaching behavior model 教学行为模式 teaching body 教学机构 teaching broadcasting 教学广播 teaching centre 教学中心 teaching congregation 教学评议会 teaching continuity document 任教未中断证明 teaching control center 教学指挥中心 teaching corps 讲师团 teaching criticism 教学批评 teaching cycle 教学循环 teaching design 教学设计 teaching elementary physical education 初级体育教学 teaching element 教学分队 teaching environment of physical education 体育教学环境 teaching evaluation教学评估 teaching evaluation in physical education 体育教学评价 teaching fellow 教育团体负责人 teaching handbook 教学手册 teaching hospital 教学医院 teaching hours 授课时数 teaching ladder 教学步骤 teaching-learning feedback 教学反馈 teaching level 教学水平 teaching load 教学工作量,教学负担 teaching machine 教学机 teaching magnetic tape 教学录音带 teaching management 教学管理 teaching manual 教学手册 teaching material evaluation 教材评估 teaching materials 教材,讲义 Teaching Materials Writing Group 教材编写组 teaching materials’ expenses 教材费 teaching means教学手段 teaching media 教学手段 teaching media in physical education 体育教学媒体 teaching methods 教学法 teaching methods of physical education 体育教学方法 teaching model 教学模式 teaching observation 观摩教学 teaching of learning characters识字教学 teaching period plan 教案,课时计划 teaching plan 教案 teaching points 教学要点 teaching practice 教学实习,试教 teaching principles 教学原则 teaching principle of physical education 体育教学原则 teaching program 教学大纲 teaching programmes 教学程序 teaching qualification 教学认证 teaching reform 教学改革 teaching results 教学效果 teaching room 教室 teaching seminar 课堂讨论会,教学研究班 teaching sequence 教学顺序 teaching simulation 模拟教学 teaching staff 教员 teaching strategies 教学策略 teaching strategies of physical education 体育教学论 teaching stuff教学材料 teaching style 教学风格 teaching supporting 教学保障 teaching syllabus 教学大纲 teaching system 教学系统,教学制度 teaching team 教学小组 teaching technique教学技巧 teaching training 师范 teaching unit 教学用具 teaching video tape 教学录像带 teachings n.教导,学说,主义 teachability n. 可教性 teachable adj. 可教的 teacher[ˈtitʃə]n. 教师,教练员,教练机 excellent teacher 优秀教师 in-service education of teachers 教师在职教育 teacher accountability 教师责任制 teacher aides 教师助手 teacher appointment system 教师聘任制 teacher aptitude test 教师性向测验 teacher behavioral role 教师行为角色 teacher blue laws 教师法规 teacher by negative example反面教员 teacher centres 教师进修中心 teacher centric method 教师中心教学法 teacher certificate 教师证书 teacher characteristics research 教师特征研究 teacher coordinator 协调教师 teacher counselor 导师 teacher culture 教师文化 teacher education 师范教育 Teacher Education Law 师资培训法 teacher education program 教育计划 teacher effectiveness training 教师效能训练 teacher evaluation committee 教师评审委员会 teacher expectation effect 教师期望效应 teacher fellowship 教师职位 teacher grievances 教师申诉 teacher intern 见习教师 teacher lecturer 大学老师 teacher merit system 教师价值体系 teacher oriented 教师为本 teacher placement bureau 教师职业介绍所 teacher promotion with the grade 教师随班教学 teacher psyohology 教师心理学 teacher qualification resume 教师资格审查履历表 teacher rating 教师工作评定 teacher role 教师角色 teacher status 教师地位 teacher style 教师风格 teacher tenure 教师任期 teacher training 师资培训 teacher training college 教师进修学院 teacher training fund 教师培训基金 teacher transfer among schools 教师调动 teacher turnover 教学人员调整 teacher vacation course program 教师假期培训项目 teacher wastage 教师空缺 teacher’s ability structure 教师能力结构 teacher’s agency 教师介绍所 teacher’s aide老师的助手 teacher’s attitude to educational guidance 教师的教育指导态度 teacher’s bonus 教师津贴 teacher’s contract 教师聘约 teacher’s esteem 教师自尊 teacher’s guide 教师指南 teacher’s mental health 教师心理健康 teacher’s mental hygiene 教师心理卫生 teacher’s pet 教师的得意门生 teacher’s plan 教师计划 teacher’s view about students 教师的学生观 teacher-appointment system 教师聘任制 teacher-centered approach 以教师为中心的教学法 teacher-centered instruction 以教师为中心的教学 teacher-centered method 以教师为中心的教学法 teacher -centered theory 教师中心论 teacher-made test 教师自编测验 teacher-pupil interaction 教师 teacher-pupil planning 师生规划教学 teacher-pupil ratio 师生 比例 teacher- student ratio 教师 teacher-student relation 师生关系 teachers and students 师生 teachers association 教师会 teachers college 师范学院 teachers course 师资训练班 teachers organization 教师组织 teachers training 师资培训 teachers union 教师工会 teachers university 师范大学 teachers’ academic rank 教师职称 teachers’ aides 教师助手 teachers’ centers 教师进修中心 teachers’ certificate 教师证书 teachers’ certificate system 教师证书制度 teachers’ certification and licensing 教师证书制 teachers’ contract 教师合同 Teachers’Day 教师节 teachers’ duty 教师职责 Teachers’ Festival 教师节 teachers’ guilds 教师行会 Teachers’ Law 教师法 teachers’manual 教师手册 teachers’ oath 教师忠诚宣誓 teachers’ professional ethics 教师职业道德 teachers’ qualification 教师资格 teachers’ refreshing courses center 教师进修中心 teachers’ registration council 教师注册委员会 teachers’ school 师范学校 teachers’ social position 教师地位 teachers’ strike 罢教 teachers’ treatment 教师待遇 teachers’ union教师联合会 teachers’ wages 教师工资 teachers’ working conditions 教师工作条件 teachership n.教师职务(位)/ teach-in n.研讨会 teachware n.教学用视听材料,学生比例,学生互动 |