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单词 tax


1. task,strain使作苦工,过度使用。
△Ado. 2. 3. 47 (44):“O good my lord,tax not so bad a voice / To slandermusic any more than once.”啊,我的好殿下,我这条破嗓子把音乐糟蹋一遍也就够了,别再勉强我了。
2. take to task,censure,accuse,blame,reproach申斥,谴责,责难,责备,指责。
△ As. 2. 7. 71: “tax any pri-vate party”,谴责任何个人。
△ As. 3. 2. 371 (349): “somany giddy offences as he hath generally taxed theirwhole sex withal.”他所普遍攻击全体女性所具有的那许多轻浮的恶习。
△Ham. 1. 4. 18: “Makes us traduced andtaxed of other nations.”使我们受尽了其他各国的诋毁和指责。
△Ham. 3. 3. 29: “I’ll warrant she’ll tax himhome.”我担保她一定会把他好好教训一顿的。
△Lr. 3. 216: “I tax not you,you elements. with unkindness;”风雨雷电,我并不责怪你们无情。
3. disparage,jeer at 贬损,嘲笑。
△ Ado. 1. 1. 46:“Faith,niece,you tax Signior Benedick too much,”真的,侄女,你把班尼狄克先生挖苦得太过分了。


n.税,税款,税金 v.征税
◇ abusiness tax 营业税
free of tax 免税
tax on征税
tax one’s brain 给某人安排伤脑筋的事
tax return 纳税申报表
tax sb. with sth.指控某人某事
‖ additional tax of education 教育附加税
business tax 营业税
corporate income tax 公司所得税 pollution tax 污染税
tax abatement policy for education 教育减税政策
tax abatement 减税
tax accountant 税务会计
tax accrual 应计税金
tax accrued 应收税
tax adviser 税务顾问
tax affairs cost 税务成本
tax agency 税收代理 tax agent 税务代理人
tax allocation 税款分配
tax already paid 已纳税款
tax amount payable 应纳税额
tax and duty 税金
tax-anticipation warrant 抵税证书
tax apportionment 税收分配
tax appraiser 税收查征人
tax articles 应纳税商品
tax assessment notice 税务评估通知
tax audit 税务监查
tax auditing 税务审计
tax authority 税务机关
tax avoidance 避税
tax base 计税基数,税基
tax-based income 依据所得纳税
tax basis 课税基础
tax bearing 税收负担
tax bearer 纳税人
tax bearing rate 税负率
tax bill 税单
tax bond 抵税公债
tax bracket 税级
tax break 减免赋税
tax burden ration 税负率
tax burden 税负
tax bureau 税务局
tax category 税种
tax certificate 纳税证明
tax check 税务稽查
tax clause 税收条款
tax code 税收法规
taxes collected in advance 预收税款
tax collection 征税
tax collection and management 税收征管
tax collection office 税款稽征处
tax collector 收税员
tax consciousness 纳税意识
tax court 税务法庭
tax credit 税收抵扣
tax credit ability 纳税能力
tax credits 税款抵免
tax criteria 计税标准,课税标准
tax cut 减税
tax day 纳税日
tax declaration 报税单
Tax deductible 可减免税的
tax deductions 税款免除
tax deferral 延期纳税
tax delivery 上交税金
tax demand 催税单
tax differences 征税差别
tax discrimination 纳税差别
tax disc 纳税证
tax dodgers 漏征漏管
tax dodger 逃税人,偷税人
tax dues 应付税金,应交税款
tax economy 租税经济
tax effect 征税效应
tax efficiency scheme 省减课税计划
tax equalization account 税金平准账户
tax evader 逃税者
tax evasion 逃税
tax evasion,tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes 偷税,骗税,逃税,抗税
tax examination 税务调查
tax exemption 免税
tax-exempt bond 免税公债
tax-exemption certification 免税证明,免税证
tax-exempt export 免税出口
tax-exempt import 免税进 口 (货物)/tax-exempt income 免税收入
tax-exempt interest 免税利息
tax-exempt item 免税项目
tax-exempt securities 免税证券
tax exemption system 免税制度
tax farming 包税制
tax farming system 保税制
tax fine 税务(收)罚款
tax-for-fees reform 费改税改革
tax form 纳税申请表格
tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes 骗税抗税
tax-free allowance 免税津贴
tax-free bond 免税公债
tax-free distribution 免税分配额
tax-free exchange 免税资产交换
tax-free income 免税所得
tax-free reserve fund 免税准备基金
tax-free trade zone 免税贸易区
tax-free transaction 免税交易
tax-free transfer 免税资产转让
tax free trade zone 免税贸易区
tax fund 税源
tax gatherer 税务员
tax general inspection 税务大检查
tax group certificate 年收入证明
tax haven 避税港
tax holidays 免税期
tax-included price 含税价
tax in kind 实物税
tax income 征收所得税
tax indexation 税收指数化
tax inspection 查税
Tax Inspector税务督察
tax invoice 纳税单据
tax items 税目
tax-jurisdiction 税收管辖权
tax law 税法
tax lease 课税租赁
tax liability 纳税义务
tax limit 课税限额
tax-loading 负担税收
tax loophole 漏税
tax loss 税收损失
tax-loss benefit 亏损税款抵免
tax-loss carry back 赋税亏损退算
tax-loss carry foward 赋税亏损结转
tax-minimization 税款合理减少
tax obligafion 纳税义务
tax offset 税收抵消
tax on added value 增值税
tax on aggregate income 综合所得税
tax on agriculture 农业税
tax on artificial person 法人税
tax on business 商业税
tax on business income 营业收入税
tax on capital 资产税
tax on consumption 消费税
tax on corporate net income 公司净收入税
tax on cost 原价税,成本税
tax on deed 契税
tax on dividend 股息税
tax on gifts 赠与税 tax on house 房产税
tax on income 所得税
tax on industry and commerce returns 工商业所得税
tax on land地税
tax on land and buildings 土地房产税
tax on licence 执照税
tax on natural resources资源税
tax on net basis 按净额征税
tax on net income 净所得税
tax on net profit basis按净利润额征税
tax on personal income 个人所得税
tax on profit 利润所得税
tax on property 财产税
tax on transaction 交易税
tax on value added 增值税
tax on vehicles and vessels use 车船使用税
tax-paid cost 完税成本
tax paid in kind 实物税
tax paper 纳税通知书
tax payable 应付税款
tax payable account 应付税款账户,应付税款账户
tax payer 纳税人
taxpayer of personal income tax所得税纳税人
tax payment 纳税
tax payment by self-assessment 自估申报纳税
tax payment date 纳税日期
tax payment in kind实物纳税
tax payment on overdue 补税
tax payment place 纳税地点
tax payment receipt纳税凭证
tax payment 纳税
tax personnel税务人员
tax planning 避税计划
tax point缴税日
tax police 税务警察
tax policy 税收政策
tax preference 税收优惠
tax prepayment 预付税金
tax price 公定价目,课税价格
tax privilege 税收特惠
tax rate 税率
tax rate structure 税率结构
tax rate table 税率表
tax rebate 减税
tax recapture 追收税款
tax receipt 税单,税票
tax receivable 应收税款
tax receivable refund 应收税金退款
tax receiver 税务员
tax reduction 减税
tax reform税制改革
tax refund 退税
tax refund rate 退税率
tax refund receivable 应收税金退款
tax refunded 已退回的税款
tax registration税务登记
tax regulation 税收条例
tax reimbursement 退税
tax reserve 纳税准备金
tax resistance 抗税
tax return 所得税申报表,纳税申报表,税单
tax revenue 税收
tax revenue audit 税收审计
tax revenue collection 征税
tax revenue fund 税收资金
tax revenue source 税源
tax roll 税单
tax saving节税
tax schedule 税率表
tax seal 税印
tax sheltered account 免税账户
tax slash 减税
tax sparing 税收抵扣限制,税收减免
tax-sparing credit 免税信贷
tax-spared loan利息免税的贷款
tax staff 税务人员
tax stamp 纳税印花
tax structure 税收结构
tax surcharge on imports 进口附加税
tax system税制
tax table 税率表
tax token 税收牌照
tax treaties 税收协定
tax unique 单值税收
tax unit 纳税单位
tax value 课税价格
tax withholding certificate 税收预提证明
tax withholding 代扣税金
tax write off 税收冲销
tax year 纳税年度
tax yield 捐税收入
the personal income tax 个人收益税
the U.K.income tax system 英国所得税制
the withholding income tax return 扣缴所得税报告
value-added tax 增值税 withholding tax 预扣税
taxes owed 应交所得税
taxes paid in advance 预付税款
taxes receivable 应收税款
taxability n.赋税能力
taxable adj.应征税的
taxable amount 应税金额
taxable assets 应税财产
taxable base 应税基数
taxable capacity 付税能力,纳税能力
taxable ceiling 应税限度
taxable distribution 应税分配额
taxable dividends 应税股息
taxable earnings 应纳税收入
taxable emolument 应课税薪俸
taxable entity 应纳税单位
taxable estate 应税遗产
taxable gifts 应税赠与
taxable goods 应税物品
taxable income 应纳税收入
taxable item 应税项目
taxable of dividend income 应纳税股息收益
taxable person 应纳税人
taxable profits 应纳的利润
taxable property 可征税财产,应税财产
taxable unit 应纳税单位
taxable value 计税价格
taxable year 应纳税年度
taxation n. 纳税,税收课征
taxation at the source 从源课税
taxation audit 税务审计
taxation economic activity analysis 税收经济活动分析
taxation item 税目
taxation law 税法
taxation management 税务管理
taxation of costs核定诉讼费用
taxation of income 所得税
taxation of interest 利息税
taxation of profit利税
Taxation Officer 税务主任
taxation schedule 收税一览表
taxation separate assessment 单独付税
taxation system 税制
taxation theory 税收理论
taxation violation税收违法行为
the taxation bureau 税务局,使负重担,责备
taxbearer n. 纳税人
tax-exempt adj. 免税的
tax-free adj. 免税的
taxing master 讼费主事官





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