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单词 taste


1. act of tasting or experien-cing,experience尝试,经受,经历,
△ 1H.IV.3.1. 172 (171): “that man is not alive/ Might (i.e.who could)so have tempted him as you have done,/Without the taste of danger and reproof.”世上再没有一个人能像你这样激怒他而不尝受到危险和痛责的。


2. relish,appreciation 兴趣,欣赏。
△Oth.2.1.284(275): “whose qualification shall come into no true taste (i.e. satisfactory state) again but by the displan-ting of Cassio.”i.e.whose appeasement shall not bere-attained except by removing Cassio from his of-fice. 除非把凯西奥免职,休想把这一场叛乱平息下来(直译:叛乱的平息就不能进入令人满意的状况)。
3. test,trial.proof考验,试验,检验。
△2H.IV.2.3.5 “Till that the nobles and the armed commons / Haveof their puissance made a little taste.”等那些贵族和武装的平民试验过他们的武力之后再说。
△Lr. 1. 2. 48 (44):“hewrote this but as an essay or taste of my virtue.”他写这封信,不过是为了试探和考验我的品德。
4. specimen,sample,proof样品,例子,证据。
△As. 3.2. 107 (100):“For a taste.”举一个例子。
5. small quantity of something,trace,titbit少量,些微,一点。
△Mer. 2. 3. 2: “and thou,a merry devil,Didst rob it of some taste of (i. e. a little of) tediousness.”你这淘气的小鬼,稍稍减除了这里的 一些闷气。
△As. 32. 247 (233): “But take a taste of my finding him,”i. e. but just let me tell you how I found him. 不过暂且让我简单告诉你我是怎样找到他的。
△Mid. 1. 1. 236: “Norhath Love’s mind of any judgement taste;”爱情的心也没有什么判断。


1. experience,feel 体验,经受。
△ 2H. IV. 4. 2. 117(116): “But for you rebels,look to taste the due /Meet for rebellion and such acts as yours.”但是对于你们这些叛徒来说,就等待着去尝一尝叛乱和你们其他行为所应得的处分吧。
△H. V. 4. 7. 63: “Besides,we’ll cut the throatsof those we have,/ And not a man of them that weshall take / Shall taste our mercy.”此外,我们还要把我们手中的俘虏全都杀掉,而且以后我们所抓住的人,一个也不要想得到我们的饶恕。
2. make trial of,test,try测验,考验,试验。
△Tw. 3. 188 (78):“Taste your legs,sir,put them to motion.”请你试试你的腿吧,先生,把它们挪动起来。
△ Tw. 3. 4. 269(242): “I have heard of some kind of men that putquarrels purposely on others,to taste their valour.”我听说有些人故意向别人寻衅,试验他们的勇气。
△1H. IV. 4. 1119: “Come,let me taste my horse,/ Who is to bearme like a thunderbolt / Against the bosom of thePrince of Wales.”来,让我试一试我的战马,它将要驮着我像一声霹雳直冲威尔士亲王的心窝。
~ vi. smack意味着。
△2H.IV. 4. 1. 190 (188): “Thatevery slight and false-derived cause,/ Yea,every i-dle,nice,and wanton reason,/ Shall to the Kingtaste of this action,” i.e. shall remind the King of ourpresent rebellion. 每一点细微而虚构的因素,嗯,每一条荒谬、微小而无足轻重的理由,都足以使国王回想起这次事件。




n. 趣味,味道,味觉,风格,体裁,欣赏力,审美力,爱好,口味,兴趣
◇ in good taste 俗气的
to one’s taste 合味
to taste 合口味
‖ taste leader 兴趣引导者
taste of beauty 美的鉴赏力
taste sensation 味觉 v. 品尝
tasteful adj. 有韵味的,有滋味的,好吃的
tasty adj.有风致的,有良好鉴赏力的





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