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单词 absent
absentadj /′æbsǝnt/; vt / æb′sent /[-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

adj(1)不在(缺席)的(not present)[A(from)]:Only one pupil is~today.今天只有一个学生缺勤。She has already been~an hour.她已经有一个小时不在了。be~from school/work/a lecture/a meeting with a cold 因感冒未上学/未上班/缺课/未出席会议;Let's drink a toast to~friends.让我们为没来的朋友们干一杯! hurry back to find sb still~匆忙赶回来发现某人还不在;〖反〗present;

(2)缺乏(不存在)的(not existing; lacking or missing)[A(from)]:Love was totally~from his childhood.他从小就根本没有得到过爱。Snow is~in some countries. 一些国家不下雪。The male bird has red on its head but in the female this is~.雄鸟头顶是红的,雌鸟则不是。Scales are~in eels.鳝鱼没有鳞。

(3)心不在焉的,茫然的(showing that one is not paying attention to what is happening around one; inattentive):have rather an~expression on one's face/look in one's eyes 脸上有一种很心不在焉的表情/眼中有一种很心不在焉的神色;an~air 心不在焉的神态;give sb an~look心不在焉地看一下某人;an~stare 茫然的目光;look at sb in an~way 茫然地看着某人;〖同〗inattentive;〖反〗attentive,thoughtful;

→′absently adv 心不在焉地;͵absent-′minded adj 心不在焉的;͵absent-′mindedly adv 心不在焉地;′absence n;

vt 缺席,不到(在)(stay away from)[T+nT+n(oneself)+prep(from)](fml):~oneself from work/a meeting 没有上班/出席会议;Several students~ed themselves from the lecture.好几个学生没来上课。〖反〗attend;

→͵absen′tee n 缺席者;͵absen′teeism n 经常随意缺席;

【说明】absent oneself from 指故意的行为;be absent from 则无“故意”的含义,仅指“未出席,不在场”的状况。





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